A comprehensive package of restoration and regeneration proposals have been prepared by the practice for this well known Nottingham park. Extensive condition surveys were undertaken for all of the existing park fabric including all buildings and structures, paving and boundaries, trees and vegetation and for the lake. Historical research and analysis of the landscape history and evolution of the park were also central to this process.
This detailed assessment of the existing park underpinned the subsequent design and regeneration masterplan proposals for the park. A Conservation Management Plan, Management and Maintenance Plan and detailed cost estimates were also subsequently prepared to support the proposals. The practice worked closely with the City Council on the development of these proposals which supported a successful Lottery Fund bid.
Careful consideration and attention was paid in the work to the issue of silt accumulation within the lake which threatened to result in a major financial constraint. A strategy was devised for addressing the silt issue in a cost effective and sustainable manner.
The proposals include full restoration of many existing park features plus new significant play, waterside access proposals and new arts and fitness features.