FPCR attended the Botanical University Challenge Careers at The Queen’s College, Oxford University. Two of our botanists James Warren and Paul Sharpe ran the FPCR careers stall, engaging with the enthusiastic botanical students about their current work and all the exciting opportunities we can provide to them.
Since 2016 the Botanical University Challenge has grown into the amazing competition we saw this year, showcasing incredible botanical knowledge from all the student teams which took part. It was a pleasure to attend the careers fair and networking event in Oxford Botanic Garden to discuss with students their next career steps, and we look forward to seeing some of you in our industry in the future.
If you didn’t manage to get around to seeing us at the fair, please get in touch for opportunities at mail@fpcr.co.uk
Thank you to Botanical University Challenge and Oxford University for hosting and congratulations to the Cambridge team on their victory in this years competition!